Princeton hosts and participates in many events throughout the year. We welcome you at our hosted events and we encourage you to look for us if you are attending any of the external events.EventDatesLocationWebsiteCUWiPJanuary 19-21, 2024Various Sites (Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM)March 14-16, 2024Washington, D.C. Annual ConferenceMarch 14-17, 2024University of Maryland Society of Black Engineers Annual Convention (NSBE)March 20-24, 2024Atlanta, GA Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)April 8-10, 2024Long Beach, CA E. Gallardo Research, Student Leadership, & Advocacy SymposiumApril 22-24, 2024University of Washington Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)June 22-26, 2024Honolulu, Hawaii SAEOPP McNair SSSJune 27-30, 2024Atlanta, GA National McNair Conference July 24-26, 2024Los Angeles, CA Alliance National Symposium (LANS)July 26-28, 2024Hartford, CT of New Mexico McNair Scholars Research ConferenceSeptember 5-6, 2024Albuquerque, NM MKN Heartland McNair ConferenceSeptember 20 - 22, 2024Kansas City, MOMKN McNair Heartland Research Conference ( of Maryland, Baltimore County McNair ConferenceSeptember 19-21, 2024Baltimore, MD National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)September 30 - October 3, 2024Orlando, FL Advancing Indigenous People in STEM (AISES)October 3-5, 2024San Antonio, TX Grace Hopper Computing ConferenceOctober 8-11, 2024Philadelphia, PA Out in STEM (oSTEM)October 17-20, 2024Portland, OR California Diversity ForumOctober 19 - 24, 2024Riverside, CA Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)October 23-26, 2024Baltimore, MD Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)October 31 - November 2, 2024Phoenix, AZ Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS)November 13-16, 2024Pittsburgh, PA