Creating Community | Innovative Programming | Inclusive Excellence Creating Community | Innovative Programming | Inclusive Excellence : Connect with us! Pause video ■ The Princeton Graduate Scholars Program (GSP) is a cohort-based program for graduate students who add to the richness and diversity of their academic communities. GSP enhances and supports academic, social, and community development during the graduate school experience by hosting events throughout the academic year, including an annual retreat, networking, and career development workshops, along with faculty and postdoctoral lunch and learns. In addition, scholars benefit from robust peer mentoring through their GSP student-centered mentoring pods and one-on-one mentoring support from Graduate School dean mentors. The program has three goals To empower participants to take an intentional and strategic approach to their graduate education To educate students about how to access the myriad resources available to them at Princeton To develop a sense of community by connecting graduate students across disciplinary boundaries Scholars meet six to eight times over the academic year for “seminar/workshop” sessions that focus on the transition to graduate education at Princeton. Potential Topics Include Developing skills for time and task management to promote balance and success Budgeting and financial planning for graduate school and beyond Building your academic and non-academic community at Princeton Developing positive practices for physical, emotional, and psychological self-care Preparing for academic and non-academic career pathways Writing support and workshops Each student will have access to mentorship opportunities to complement their departmental academic adviser(s) and the Director of Graduate Studies throughout the first year, including staff and peer community members. GSP students participate in pods, which consist of 5-6 first year students led by an advanced graduate student who serves as a Peer Mentor. Pods are typically multidisciplinary, and provide opportunities for students to enlarge their peer networks and engage in community-building activities throughout the academic year. In addition, GSP hosts community dinners, professional development events, and other social events to help build community within and across cohorts. Please contact Associate Dean Joseph Lewis at [email protected] with any questions regarding the Graduate Scholars Program. Federico Uquillas, NEU "Being a member of the GSP has been instrumental to my success as a first-year graduate student at Princeton. The ADI team has helped me tremendously in a number of ways. Not only did they make sure I had support during my move to New Jersey, but once here, the programs, talks, and events put on by the ADI helped me meet other first-year students and more advanced students. This provided me with various ways for integrating myself into the Princeton community and build a sense of companionship. Most recently, the ADI team also provided me with incredible and unparalleled assistance when applying to a competitive graduate fellowship." 1 / 7 Previous image Next image ︎